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Nokia plan to acquire Scalado.

Scalado is the better image processing company and handled lot of trick for the
mobile phones.The same tricks has handled in the HTC model of phones as well.
Now Nokia has working long time with Scalado in swedish customer now they
 have to buy the share.

Means Nokia plan to acquire Scalado for its better Lumia image process capability
 and tricks which is handled for the Squirreled technology.But Espoo is the company
 wants tricks technology from Scalado as well.Nokia set to very secret for deal cost
 and technology which their going to acquire.One of the major mobile manufacturing
company in Finland plan to enhance their image and trick from Scalado.

Image processing and other Lumia Designs are too good and the latest pureview also
Nokia using different camera zoom and picturing technology.So this acquisition
means Nokia acquire all of Scalado's company's technical and core developers.
The technology which Scalado used for image processing and tricks.Also network
IP portfolio.

But this Acquisition may not going smooth due to RIM and other company also
 having the share in the Scalado.


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