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Dell released another version of 15-inch XPS at Romania country.

Dell recently released their XPS version of laptops and the design is really awesome.The look and feel of the
laptop get the really feel of Ultrabook series in the market.The XPS version of laptop get the slim and sleek
design so it is attracked most of the people around the world.

Now Dell is silently releasing another version of XPS model laptop at Romania country.Recenly the event conducted by Romanian Aviation Museum and event name called B1.In this event Dell and its Romanian partner Asesoft Distribution together launched the new XPS version of laptop.This Ultrabook is more powerful and its recently reached the Ultra book marke and get the people's attention as well.

The XPS ultra book 15-inch model of laptop powered by Intel's new processor called Ivy Bridge.The processor also available based on the configuration needs like 2.5GHz speed of dual Core i5 also quad 2.1GHz Core i7 latest chips available in the Ivy Bridge processor.Also for Graphics it supports NVIDIA it comes with GeForce family of two version called  GT 630M/640M.Soon this laptop will be available rest of the world after the spring.


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