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Analysis of how ICS get the Parson's UX 2012 Golden recongization when iOS present in the market.

Parson every year identify the best user friendy software in the market.As well as Parson's team of
UX 2012 have lot of criteria to recognize the software interms of User review and experience.Android
is now a days penetrate the market very deeply and it won the market as well as user's heart through
the Ice cream sanwich UI.After collecting the users perpective ideas and like Google's Android ICS
mobile software win the Gold(very costly nowadays)award.

The entire Google's team whos is contributing to Android market and for ICS software they have to
be so proud of this award.This shows the Google's team hard work as well as team work to release
the smartphone software in shot span of time every year.So the Android team have a very well reason to
smile and proud to be a Google's Android development team.

The golden award for ICS version of Android device really boost the Google to give the new other version
software in the smartphone market.This kind of achievement Google will do in the future as well.But every one wondering Why Apple UI is not get the user feedbacks and likes of iOS.Could be the reason of costliest phone can't penetrate the entire world of smartphone market.So it's not reached the market fully means its not reached to all the people.Even budget people can't afford the costlier mobile like Apple's iPhone.May
be this is the reason iOS didn't get the user point of view.

Now a days every one have the smartphone which runs with Android OS.This is the success of Google's
new Android ICS version.When ever there is a new version released immediately all the OEM phone makers they have released the latest version of Android with new mobiles.So this is the reason user get the much experience of the new UI from Android with huge screen with less cost.Even people can afforde it.This brings the Golden award for ICS.


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