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Acer's S3 Aspire Series gets the new Look with latest Config.

Acer recently announced their new series of Acer Aspire S5 Ultrabook series.So in
 the same even Acer has going to update the successfully reached version of S3
 model of Aspire also.

Acer's new series comes with very latest Ivy Bridge processor so the same configurtion
 will be given to the older version of S3 series also.Acer has planned to give the latest
 configuration changes in the S3 version of laptop.

So both of the series comes with latest configuration like S3 will comes with core i7.
The storage device for S3 series will get the new updated hard disk like 256GB.The
 CPU also update to Sandy Bridge version.The starting price of the updated S3
Aspire model comes with $648.


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