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New Game Marvel Avengers coming to Xbox Kinect

The comic movie gets the hit on box office US worth around $200.3 million at it early opening
itself.Now this movie has created into gaming.The entire movie was converted to one game
called Marverl Avengers for Xbox.

This game is developed by UbiSoft and it has said officially.
Also this Marvel Avengers Battle for Earth will be released to this year for the xBox Kinect and Wii U.

According to Ubisoft's blog,
The game will has secret Invasion Storyline with coming came in 2008.

This Avengers game feature almost all 20 actor like Thor, Hulk, Captain America,
Iron Man and other super heroes and villains from the Marvel universe.

Ubisoft Quebec is currently also working on the Wii U version of Assassins Creed 3.


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