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Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg tie the knot on his 9 year girlfriend Priscilla Chan

World's youngest billionaire Mark Zuckerberg updated his status as married in facebook. 
The 27 year old zuckerberg married his 9 years girl friend Priscilla Chan. The marriage went very simply at his Palo Alto California home itself and he tied the knot on Priscilla Chan.

The marriage function went with simplicity with only few guest may be hundreds of guest attended the ceremony.

The facebook went on IPO successfully and he has free from that as well as Priscilla graduated from medical school from California university at the same time Zuckerberg's turns 28.

Everyone invited for the function but they thought that it was Chan graduation function but after reached the venue all are surprised that Mark getting married.

The largest share older of facebook is 503.6 million shares are owned by Zuckerberg and he has a power to take the control or decision in the company.


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