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Facebook technology - facebook framework-facebook stack and tools

Technolgy using by facebook 

What are the technology facebook using-Short View

Front End Technology that facebook using :

Facebook has variety of programming lanugages and tools to setup
its core architecture. Mainly facebook runs in linux and apache.

Linux -used for OS system for all facebook systems and servers and
highly customizable.

apache- using for web server

mysql- Database they are using and querying using this lanugauage

PHP - Facebook using php for good iteration and its very good
web programming language

Memcache - This is open source and its used for memory object caching system
by nature to speeding up the dynamic web apps and database access.

LAMP- This is used for scalling up websites.

Back End Technology that facebook using:

Thrift(protocol) - This is light weight procedure framework call for
all scalable multi cross language services.

Scribe (log server): This tool is used to capture the log data streamed
in real time from any other servers.Its highly scalable and useful framework
for large amount of array of data

Cassandra(database)- This is the data base management system to manage the
larger amount of data speed across all the servers. Its provides the
feature like structural key value pair and consistency.

HipHop (PHP) - Hiphop is transformer of source code for php scripting language
and its also used to save the resources. Its transfer the php source
code into highly optimized c++ content.


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